COD Mobile + Twitch

Back in late January, I started Twitch streaming the video game Call of Duty: Mobile, a free to play game on iOS and Android. I went in with super low expectations. I did it because I was bored and my friends were doing it.

Within a month, I had accumulated 70 random followers, only a handful I actually knew from real life. My Mod, Noah, built a Discord for all of the followers, where users are able to trade game secrets, gun builds, and use voice chat for gaming.

Now, my history with the video game stems back to the first day it came out, when Noah and I played it for the first time. The game allows you to play “public” matches that don’t count towards much except points to level up your gun. You can also play “Ranked” games that count towards your gamer score in a much more competitive format.

In summer of 2020, Noah and I were both in the top 2% globally on ranked. It sounds like an accomplishment until you realize it’s easier to go from top 99% to 2% than it is to go from 2% to 1%. Noah was also in the top .01% globally for battle royal games, a pretty massive feat.

Needless to say, we know the game, albeit not as well as some people.

When I started streaming, I didn’t expect I would have anyone watching, until people did. We had players in the top .05% globally wanting to play with us on stream, playing some of the most intense ranked games, in which I normally just end up dying over and over.

I think what has shocked me most about twitch is the loyal base that we have created. Nearly every time I go live on Twitch, the same 5-10 people show up to either watch or play, being on a first name basis with most of the viewers.

Honestly, I have no idea how much longer I’ll keep streaming on twitch. I never meant to build the small audience I have, but they make it hard to leave. I love playing COD Mobile and hope the game continues to grow. It’s been a lot of fun to play it over the last year and a half. As long as the game continues to be fun and interactive, I’ll keep playing and streaming.

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